Saturday, April 24, 2010


A paradigm shift for cellphone service is occurring this year. The pre-dominant method of buying cellphone service in America has been to go to your local Verizon, AT&T, T-mobile or Sprint store and buy a phone at an extremely discounted price with an attached 2-year contract with that company (that has the actual price of the phone built in).

With the recent downturn of the economy, more people have been looking to get out of that contract and hop on a monthly service that they can easily change and end at will.

"This week, both AT&T and Verizon Wireless reported steep declines in the number of customers who signed up for contracts during the first quarter of 2010."

Will these largest corporations start to incorporate prepaid more into their plans? Either way, this opens a lot of doors for selling used phones, as people are also seeking cheaper phones that are not subsidized by their service provider.

We expect this change of how American cellphone companies operate will bring about great things in years to come, especially for us, the customer.

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