Thursday, April 29, 2010

Credit Card Transactions via CellPhones

You're at your local Farmer's market and see that beautiful sweet corn you'd like to grill tonight. But... you don't have any cash? Instead of asking around to find the nearest ATM, chances are you can run your credit card through the farmer's cellphone.

Companies are sprouting up daily that have easy to use plug-ins or software that allow credit card transactions on cellphones. How many times have you split the bill with your friend, but don't have the cash on the spot and end up forgetting about it? Now you can just run your credit card effortlessly between phones.

Square, PayPal and GoPayment all offer services now, usually with a monthly fee and per-transaction fee to mobilize your credit card payments.

The move away from cash has been steady and still has its resistors, but with the increase of smartphone use we can see this transition gain momentum and push us into the paper free future. The next generation will hardly know who's on the dollar bill anymore.

Cellphones have been rising in status for the past few decades and are approaching their zenith as the all-in-one device. This is a plus for recycling companies like us, whose role in society will increase with cellphone acceptance.

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