Friday, November 19, 2010

President Obama addresses E-waste

In a historic address President Obama signed a proclamation for America to become a world leader in sustainable electronics recycling. On November 15th (America Recycles Day), the President as well as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that greater attention must be given to how our country discards consumer electronics.

While the recycling and reuse of plastics, aluminum and paper have steadily been on the rise, very little has been done to manage our e-waste safely. However, recent media coverage on the amount of hazardous materials and rare minerals that end up in landfills and countries like China and India has changed the climate on our recycling in this country.

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said, "Used electronics represent the fastest growing segment of local solid waste in our country."

Nancy Sutley, Chair of CEQ said, "The federal government has a responsibility to ensure that its own waste is properly managed and recycled. Identifying opportunities to reuse the valuable resources contained in most disposed electronic devices is an important part of our obligation to protect human health and the environment."

Companies like Cellular Recycler of Boulder, CO have been responsibly recycling cellphones for over 7 years. Safely collecting, refurbishing, and reselling cellphones is a needed part of the sustainable electronics recycling. We can learn a great deal from companies like this and replicate the model to cover computers, cameras, gaming devices and other electronics from ending up in landfills and polluting our environment.

The President's address brings hope and opportunity to make America a world leader in sustainable electronics.

For more information and to be a part of this exiciting movement please join us below.

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