Monday, March 15, 2010

Sprint to release the first Wi-Max cellphone

Spring has announced its soon to be released SuperSonic cellphone made by HTC. This phone will run on the ultra-speed Wi-Max network. Most other U.S. carriers have chosen instead to focus their attention and dollars on the up and coming 4G L.T.E. ( long term evolution) network. Spring will be the first service to offer a cellphone with such super high-speed internet and data capabilities.

What this means to us? 3G and wi-fi enabled phones will become history before we know it. Possibly within a year, everyone will be converting to wi-max or 4G phones. Data and internet are steadily rising in popularity, thus the importance of this move by Sprint.

We can expect to see an influx of seemingly new phones vanish into the past as high speed internet connections become the standard. This will mean good things for places like Cellular Recycler and other similarly minded companies.

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