Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tiny Costa Rica Leads Charge to Decarbonize by 2050

I live part-time in Costa Rica. Well, to be honest, being more of a traveling sales person and client representative, I live on the road, but where I call home is sometimes Colorado and sometimes Costa Rica. It's where my kid goes to school, and where my wife and dogs live - so I'd call that home.

I'm proud of a lot of things about my self-proclaimed home-town. It eliminated its army long ago, it eliminated zoos in favor of animal refuges, and now is attempting to lead the charge to both decarbonize and to eliminate single-use plastics. And, at least in the beaches where we live part of the year, they are free of restaurants, hotels and hawkers, and building is limited to three stories or less, eliminating the whole mammoth-hotel problem.

And while you could certainly argue that some of Costa Rica's policies wouldn't work for other countries (and I wouldn't disagree with you), you have to admit that it's admirable that the country stands up for what it believes in.

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