Monday, November 17, 2008

Green your Routine

Being in the green business world I am always curious when a large conglomerate campaigns or advertises their green message. During Sunday Night football last night, I noticed that the NBC peacock was all green, instead of the usual rainbow, so I went to the website. I have to say that the Green Tips section from the main page were a lot of fun to read and it actually got me thinking about all the computers and the server we have running here at Cellular Recycler. I have included the ‘work’ section from the Green Tips below but if you have the time go through the rest of these helpful tips.

-Make your coffee break greener. There are many ways to make your coffee break eco-friendly. For example, putting sugar in your cup before you pour your coffee will eliminate the need for a stirrer. Also, use a ceramic mug instead of a Styrofoam or paper cup.

-Print smarter. Printing and copying can be one of the most costly operations in any office. To save on ink and paper costs, print double-sided and try to fit more than one page on a sheet. More printing tips can be found on Life Hacker

-Turn off your computer. Do you leave your computer on overnight? If so, you're using up a good amount of electricity. When you can, try turning off your computer and the power strip it's connected to. If you can't, at least shut off your monitor. Remember, screen savers don't save energy.

-Recycle at the work place. It seems easy enough, but if you're office doesn't do it already, suggest putting recycling bins in your kitchen and copy rooms. You'll feel less guilty about throwing away all that paper.

-Use eco-friendly utensils. Replace those plastic knives and forks in the break room with silverware or biodegradable utensils. If you have the space, try to get everyone in the office to bring their own mugs and plates from home.

It just goes to show you even when the environment is on your mind every day you can still lose sight of the basics. Not only do the basics help lessen the footprint we make, the basics can help you save a little green, and right now that is needed advice.

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