Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Factory Refurbished or Level 4. You be the judge.

Remember the old days where factory refurbished really meant the manufacturer handled the refurbishment? They even had a warranty to go along with the handsets as well? The product was amazing and at that time, continued to extend brand loyalty further out in the developing world long after a model had been discontinued in the U.S. Russia is a prime example of an emerging cellular market that is very loyal towards one brand, Nokia.

Now, others in the wholesale industry have embraced this product condition as a term in which they can attempt validate their own sourced or refurbished product that it is OEM quality and is above all other refurbished goods in the market. But to make matters worse, barely any manufacturers handle their own refurbishment (all is outsourced) and they don’t stand behind their product anymore either.

I don’t mind that manufacturers have honed in their business to a point where parts are no longer in abundance and are forced to use them up on out of warranty/ BER handsets. What are hard to accept though are manufacturers not offering out warranties on their refurbished goods. Selling handsets that have been cosmetically reconditioned to a new condition and still are being sold as is makes it difficult to buy these products with confidence anymore.

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